Carbon credits, a vital tool in fighting for a sustainable future, however most of our local communities are not even aware of the term. Talk of climate change, its effects, causes and you find out that people are not clearly aware of how they do contribute directly or directly to the change in climate. In our community, Lamu county, take a look at the green mangrove forests, the ocean which most people depend on it for economic value. These are our natural treasures yet they are under threat from climate change .The urge to change these, by creating awareness to the local communities especially women who are firsthand affected by climate change effects, drove Lamu women Alliance to Faza, here they met with vibrant women who were already practicing climate smart approaches. These women shared their experiences and knowledge in climate change and carbon credits.

One of the effects that they were currently facing due to the change in climate was high wind tides and this was as a result of cutting down the mangrove trees. On that our two facillitors of the day emphasized on the need to conserve our ecosystem to curb such effects. He emphasized on them to adopt natural based solutions such as, afforestation, wetland restoration and adopt agricultural practices that are safe to the environment.
These women were also encouraged to own their own land under their Names. They were asked to stop the habit of buying land under a Man’s details. They too have a right to own land and this would also benefit them when projects come to their area since they can decide on What to do with their land.
However, these women from Faza were a bit disappointed when it comes to economic projects and claim that they are left behind with such opportunities. They insisted that they should be informed in matters of public participation so that they could air out their wants.