Lamu women alliance (LAWA), with various duty bearers around matters of climate change had a very engaging and informative meeting at the county commissioner’s office in Lamu on matters of gender assessment on the FLLOCA program.As LAWA we presented our research which was a combination from other 6 counties implementing the FLLOCA program and 4 ( AMwA) partner counties that is Lamu, Siaya, Nairobi, Homabay.From the meeting it was clear that at the community level most people were not aware of the program.On that Mr ishaq Abubakar highlighted that there is still need for more advocacy to create awareness to members of the community.
He also said that as a committee they have ensured inclusivity of all genders on the floca committee.However a major challenge they face in the program is the late disbursement of funds from the national government which makes them push further their programs.